

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often face challenges in protecting their IT systems from cyberattacks. One of the most important steps that SMBs can take to solve such issues is to be aware of the most common ways their systems can be breached. 这里有五种方法可以攻破中小企业的系统.


There are many ways that malware can be installed on your computer without your knowledge or consent. 一种常见的方法是从种子网站下载软件. 当你访问这些网站时, you may be prompted to download software in order for the site to load properly. 然而, the software that you download may actually be malware designed to make changes to your system or steal data.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect your computer from malware infection:

  • 不要从你不信任的网站下载文件. If a website asks you to download something, make sure that it is a reputable and reliable source. Double-check the URL of the website before downloading anything. Hackers can spoof legitimate websites by using similar but slightly altered URLs. 例如,他们可能会使用“www”.g00gle.Com”而不是“www”.谷歌.com.” If you are unsure about the source of a file, it is best to avoid downloading and installing it.
  • If you are unsure about the name of a file, do not download it. Malware is often given names that are similar to those of legitimate files, 只有轻微的拼写错误或一些不寻常的措辞. This is done to trick users into downloading and opening the file. If you know the sender, contact them to verify that the file is safe to open.
  • 在安装文件之前一定要扫描文件. Use antivirus or anti-malware software to scan any file that you download before opening it.
  • Avoid using torrents and visiting adult content sites or those that stream pirated videos. These sites and online portals are very common sources of malware.


许多人在他们的计算机上使用管理员帐户. This gives them the ability to 改变设置, install programs, and manage other accounts. 然而, this also means that if a hacker gains access to their computer, 他们将完全控制它. 这可能会让黑客安装恶意软件, 改变设置, 甚至完全接管电脑.

This is especially dangerous if the computer is used to manage an IT network. In this case, the hacker could gain control of the entire network and cause widespread damage.

To protect your computer from hackers, you should only use administrator accounts when necessary. 对于日常任务,您应该使用标准用户帐户. You should also install antivirus software and keep it up to date. Regularly scanning your computer for malware will also help to protect against infection.


Your computer can be infected with malware or have your data stolen if someone physically gains access to it. 例如, if you leave your computer unlocked when you go out for lunch, someone could plug in a malware-infected USB drive and infect your system. 他们也可以手动重置你的密码,把你锁在门外.

保护您的计算机免受物理攻击, you should secure it with a password and lock it whenever you step away from it. You can also disable removable media drives, such as CD/DVD and USB, if you don’t use them. This will limit the chances of someone using these removable media to infect your computer or steal data from it.


A disgruntled employee can cause significant damage to a company’s IT systems. They could delete essential data, introduce malware, or even take control of the system. This can have a devastating impact on the company, both financially and reputationally.

防止这种情况的最佳方法是限制对系统的访问. This means only giving employees access to the files and systems they need to do their jobs. 例如, a marketing employee should not have access to finance files or the admin panel.

In addition to limiting access, it is also important to have good security measures in place. 这包括使用强密码, 使软件保持最新, 还有一个备用计划,以防安全漏洞.


Passwords are the most common way to verify a user’s identity when accessing accounts and systems. 然而, many people use weak passwords that are easy to crack. This is especially dangerous if the same password is used for multiple accounts. 如果一个帐户被泄露, then all of the accounts that use the same password can become compromised.

Protect your accounts by using strong and different passwords. 您还应该使用多因素身份验证, which requires you to present more than one way to verify your identity. 例如, you might need to enter your password and then also provide a fingerprint or a one-time code when logging into your email.

A good cybersecurity posture isn’t achieved through a one-size-fits-all approach. The best way to completely protect your system from online threats is to develop a comprehensive approach that includes adopting cybersecurity best practices and robust tools. You should also provide training to your team and other system users so that they can maximize your organization’s security resources. To learn more about boosting your cybersecurity profile, contact us today.